Put your developers in the QA role

Yes I mean it. Put your developers in the Quality Assurance role. Atleast once in their lifetime every developer should spend time exclusively in the Quality Assurance role. You know what happens? Your regular QA folks get better at figuring out problems due to the close interaction. The developer’s attitude get better towards the frustrations QA guys feel when dealing with bugs that keep reappearing or annoyances built into the software. Result? The developer’s code gets better.

Your developers may kick and scream. The good ones are going to make use of the opportunity and make the code better. They are going to make the quality assurance team better.

Don’t think about it. Just try it.

This entry was written by Amit, posted on January 18, 2006 at 11:11 pm, filed under Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.


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